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GDNews - June 2024

Photo credit: iStock/hadynyah



Open Calls I

  • Last Call for Doing Research Assessments in Cambodia, Laos and India
  •  Call for Ideas for the Global Development Conference 2024

Global Development Conference I

  • The Global Development Conference 2023 Report is Out!
  • Sights from Ecuador's Amazon Rainforest by the Winner of the Global Development Conference 2023 Photo Contest

Program Updates I 

  • Doing Research Assessments in Tunisia
  • LRIDA Capacity Building Workshop in Benin
  •  GlobalDev: Join the Debate on Global Funding Approaches

Event GDN at the ASECTU Forum in Tunisia

GDN Blog Désinformation dans la région du Sahel / Disinformation in the Sahel Region

Partner Update I Training on Project Management conducted by IHEDD-FERDI

Staff Spotlight I Dr. Kadijatou Marou Sama 

Job Openings I

  • External Auditor
  • Communications Training Consultant for GDAC

Calls and Opportunities


Read the full edition.

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