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Effects of Governance Models in Transition Countries

This research presumes that the process of development in transition countries has a similar, common point of origin

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Effect of Governance on Public Service Delivery in the Water Sector in Senegal

This research investigates the effectiveness of critical governance mechanisms such as citizen participation, accountability and transparency, and how they affect public service delivery in the water sector in Senegal

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Varieties of Governance, Varying Outcomes

In economies such as India, a significant concern is the inability of large sections of the population to access essential services such as water and education

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Varieties of Governance: Improving Public Service Delivery

GDN's three-year Global Research Project, Varieties of Governance: Effective Public Service Delivery, explored the role of formal and informal institutions, at both country and sector level, in the effectiveness (or lack) of public service delivery in the areas of basic education, water supply and transport infrastructure (roads).

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