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Understanding Reform: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understanding Reform

Image: Joan Campderrós-i-Canas/Flickr

GDN's Global Research Project, Understanding Reform: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understanding Reform (2002-2005), examined the successes and failures of various reforms through a cross-country comparison of reform policies and experiences in different regions. Research from the project resulted in ten thematic papers and thirty country studies.

The project's findings informed policymakers of promising reform paths that took into account economic, social, political, and cultural factors and reactions. Particular attention was given to policies that lower costs and increase benefits to low-income classes, poor minorities and other disadvantaged groups.

Research and Results

Understanding Market Reforms in Latin America: Similar Reforms, Diverse Constituencies, Varied Results (ed. Jose M. Fanelli)
Understanding Economic Reforms in Africa: A Tale of Seven Nations (ed. Joseph Mensah)
Understanding Market Reforms, Volume 2: Motivation, Implementation and Sustainability (ed. Jose M. Fanelli, Gary McMahon)
Understanding Market Reforms, Volume 1: Philosophy, Politics and Stakeholders (ed. Jose M. Fanelli, Gary McMahon)

Find out more

To find the studies completed under this program, please go to the Research section of this website, and check back frequently for updates.