Image by the Global Development Network.
Here is a preview of the topics under discussion over the two and a half days of the conference.
Keynote, Plenaries & Sessions
- Twenty years of global development research and policy advice / Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers
- From research to sustainable development action: how far have we come?
- A question of shared responsibility? Debating roles, processes and risks within the research – practice nexus
- Brokering rigorous evidence for sustainable development
- Global and shared challenges of sustainable development – what remains to be done?
- Next frontier challenges: Big Data, AI, Digital Transformation
- Knowledge architecture for fast-tracking sustainability: implications for research policies and funding
- Impact investment studies: when academia and the private sector interact
- Transnational knowledge cooperation for sustainable development
- Evaluating sustainability
- Doing Research | Assessing the environment for social science research in developing countries
Award | Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development
Report Launches | State of the SDGs by Southern Voice, Our Common Digital Future by United Nations University’s Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)
- Climate engineering
- How far can we stretch? Economists vs planetary boundary analysis
Detailed agenda to follow. Watch this space.
Useful Links
Registrations | Speakers | Tentative Agenda | Partners | Organizing Committee | Scientific Committee | Conference Mascot | Conference Films | Conference Brochure | Call for Papers | Call for Sessions | Awards | Concept Note | Logistics