The AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Awards programme is a global competitive research program jointly launched by the Global Development Network (GDN) and the French Development Agency (AFD), as part of its ECOPRONAT programme. This award programme targets researchers based in low and middle-income countries. It aims to identify and support productive multidisciplinary engagements on biodiversity mainstreaming, including multi-country projects, and to boost the availability and use of quality evidence in public debates and corporate practices.
Objectives of the Programme
- Expand global knowledge on the link between biodiversity and development through new, high-quality research conducted by researchers in select low- and middle-income (LMIC) countries.
- Support mainstreaming of the topic in local development policy debates and decisions, and evidence-based mainstreaming initiatives, through increased visibility of the topics researched and by putting an international stamp on quality research-practice collaboration at the local level.
- Convene high-quality academic thinking from a range of relevant disciplines on the link between biodiversity and development, through the active involvement of globally prominent scholars, including French institutions.
- Mainstream high-quality research-practice collaborations between local researchers and the policy community, including civil society, creating incentives and formats that enable productive and sustained interaction between local demand and local supply of knowledge on the topic
- Raise the profile and capacity of promising Southern researchers committed to advancing policy debates on the topic.
(The call for proposals is currently closed)