Chief Economist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Albert Park is the Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He is a development and labor economist who is an expert on China’s economic development. He is Head and Chair Professor of Economics, Chair Professor of Social Science, Professor of Public Policy, and Director of the Center for Economic Policy at HKUST (on leave). His research and commentary has appeared in the Economist, New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, China Daily, BBC, CNN, NBC, and more. Professor Park is a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (London), the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA, Bonn), the International Growth Centre (Oxford/LSE/DFID), and the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group (Chicago). In recent years, he has published articles in leading economics journals on firm performance, poverty and inequality, migration and employment, health and education, and the economics of aging in China. He is an editor of the Journal of Pension Economics and Finance and on the editorial boards of the World Bank Economic Review, Cambridge University Press Elements Series in the Economics of Emerging Markets, and several other publications. In addition, Professor Park has led numerous survey research projects in China, including the China Employer-Employee Survey (CEES) and the China Urban Labor Survey (CULS), among others.