Ashrita Saran
Dr. Ashrita Saran is the Deputy Director, Evaluation and Evidence Synthesis Programme at the Global Development Network (GDN). She was previously the Executive Director of Campbell South Asia and Director of Special Programmes for Campbell South Asia. She has led several evidence-synthesis projects funded by international organisations such as WHO/PMNCH, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), UNICEF Office of Research Innocenti, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Programme for Evidence to Inform Disability Action (PENDA) and co-authored others by International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), MasterCard Foundation and Centre for Homelessness Impact. She has worked on essential areas of evidence synthesis, including economic evaluations for women, children and adolescents' health, climate-smart agriculture, violence against children, disability, child well-being, and methods for evidence synthesis. She led the methods paper on evidence mapping approaches, which informed the development of the Campbell guidelines on evidence mapping. She is also an Editor for the Campbell International Development Coordinating Group (IDCG), an advisory group member of the JBI Evidence Synthesis Taxonomy Initiative and a Co-Convener of the Campbell and Cochrane Equity Methods Group.