29-30 January 2015 | Mauritius
GDN held its first workshop for its program, Natural Resource Management - Natural Wealth Accounting in Mauritius from 29-30 January, 2015. Research teams met with scientific advisors and project mentors, to refine their research proposals, and explore and define the concepts, methodologies and limits of their respective country studies: Madagascar, Mauritius and Morocco. The workshop provided the teams with an opportunity to participate in an interactive dialogue about the management of natural resources and environmental accounting.
“Natural Resource Management-Natural Wealth Accounting“ is a capacity building program launched by GDN in 2014 to help ecologically fragile countries—Madagascar, Mauritius and Morocco—to understand the interactions between natural resources and socio-economic activities. The program aims to bridge the gap between local knowledge and high quality data in the field of natural capital accounting in order to bring policy-relevant evidence to the forefront of debate and practice.