“Natural Resource Management - Natural Wealth Accounting” is a capacity building program launched by the Global Development Network (GDN) in 2014 to help three ecologically fragile countries—Madagascar, Mauritius and Morocco—to understand the interactions between natural resources and socio-economics activities.
Designing new policies to achieve sustainable development requires capacities to measure the interactions between the ecosystems and the natural capital at large, and socio-economic processes. If not measured, natural capital cannot be accounted for in economic decisions, leaving societies more or less blind to their impacts on the environment and, conversely, to the contribution of the environment to their economies. The program intends to involve local researchers in the global reflection on how to measure natural capital and ecosystem services both physically and monetary.
The program competitively selected three teams and helped them implement and disseminate their research with the support of GDN and Scientific Advisors.
Findings helped to raise awareness on local environmental issues through dissemination workshops and a policy dialogue in Paris. The studies showed that gathering evidence was a critical first step to incentivize key stakeholders toward action.
Download the program fact sheet here.
The program is supported by Agence Française de Développement and the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation with US$ 386,000 from Sep 2014 to Nov 2016.
To find out more about the program, contact Pierre Bertrand, Fellow | Economic Transformation & Ecological Transitions
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