Parallel Session 3.1 | Monitoring and Evaluation for Education Policy: the case of Peru
Jorge Mesinas Montero Secretary of Strategic Planning, Ministry of Education of Peru “Information to improve education management at the local level” Download.
Nathaniel Falck Consultant, Acasus Limited “Semáforo Escuela: Driving rapid improvement in Peruvian schools through monitoring and management support” Download.
Fabiola Caceres Paurinotto Evaluation Coordinator for Education Policy, Ministry of Education - Peru “Evaluation of Education Policies: innovation and learning towards more efficient and effective public policies” Download.
Marjorie Chinen Senior Researcher, American Institutes of Research “Impact Evaluation of the Ministry of Education’s Pedagogical Support Strategy” Download.
María Balarín Principal Researcher, GRADE, Peru “An Evaluation of the Implementation Process of the Ministry of Education’s Pedagogical Support Strategy” Download.
Parallel Session 3.2 | Assessing Inclusion in Education and Mechanisms to Promote it
Juan Francisco Castro Professor, Universidad de Pacífico, Peru “Explaining the Urban-Rural Gap in Cognitive Achievement in Peru: The role of Early Childhood and School Influences” Download.
Santiago Cueto Principal Researcher, GRADE, Peru “Education trajectories from early childhood to early adulthood across four countries” Download.
Eric Ananga Researcher, University of Education, Winneba “Dropping out: Identity Conflict In and Out of school in Ghana” Download.
Denise Vaillant Education Ph.D Program Director, Universidad ORT, Uruguay “Learning in the spotlight” Download.
Parallel Session 3.3 | Out of School and Out of Work: Risk and Opportunities for Latin America’s Ninis
Halsey Rogers, Lead Economist, World Bank Nicole Goldin Download Raul Choque Download
Parallel Session 3.4 | The Role of the Local Community in Education for Development
Emmanuel Jimenez Executive Director, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), India “Results from a Systematic Review of Education Decentralization through School-Based Management and Community-based Monitoring” Download.
Yasuyuki Sawada Professor, Tokyo University "Impact Analysis on School for All project in Burkina Faso” Download.
Eiji Kozuka Specially appointed Associate Professor, Hiroshima University “Impact Analysis on School for All project in Niger” Download.
Moussa Blimpo Economist in the Office of the Chief Economist for the Africa Region, World Bank “School Based Management, Local Capacity, and Educational Outcomes” Download.
Parallel Session 4.1 | Strong schools in Latin America and the Caribbean Region
Dominic Richardson Senior Education Specialist, UNICEF Innocenti “The importance of strong schools in Latin American and the Caribbean: meeting long term goals for children and societies” Download.
Ruth Custode UNICEF Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office (LACRO) “Violence against school-aged children in Latin American and the Caribbean: how it compares and regional responses” Download.
Chii Fen Hui PhD Candidate, Oxford University “Children’s experiences of violence, and its effects on learning: lessons from a regional school-based survey (TERCE)” Download.
Maria Jose Benitez Consultant, UNICEF-El Salvador “Supporting stronger schools in Latin American and the Caribbean: the effectiveness of interventions in the region and recommendations for change” Download.
Parallel Session 4.2 | Gender, Education and the Labor Market
Dileni Gunawerdena Professor, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka “Why aren’t Sri Lankan women translating their educational gains into workforce advantages?” Download.
Arlette Beltrán Professor, Universidad del Pacífico, Peru “Should firms hire more women?” Download.
Leda Perez Professor, Universidad del Pacífico “Migration and employment trends among paid domestic workers in Peru” Download.
Parallel Session 4.3 | Higher Education and Job Training | Access and Outcomes
Gustavo Yamada Professor, Universidad del Pacífico “Giving Peru a Productivity Boost: Towards a System of Continuous Education and Training” Download.
Alan Sánchez Associate Researcher, GRADE “Accessing Higher Education in Developing Countries: Panel data analysis from India, Peru and Vietnam” Not available for download.
Elizabeth Appieh Head of the Department of Economics, Pentecost University College “Higher Education and Development in SSA: Social Rate of Return, Development Outcomes, and Policy” Download.
Hugo Ñopo Senior Researcher, GRADE “Rise and Fall of Schooling Premium in Latin American Countries: The 1990s and the 2000s” Download.
Parallel Session 4.4 | Doing Research: Assessing the Environment for Social Science Research in Developing Countries
María Balarín Principal Researcher, GRADE, Peru “The dynamics of the production, circulation and use of social research in Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru: a comparative study” Download.
Rahmane Idrissa University of Niamey and Think Tank EPGA, Niger “Reforming the research environment of social science: lessons from Niger”. Not available.
Inaya Rakhmani Director, Communication Research Centre, Universitas Indonesia (PUSKAKOM UI) "Open Policies and Closed Bureaucracies: Academic Insularity in Post-Authoritarian Indonesian State Universities" Download
Ramona Angelescu Naqvi, Program Director, GDN "Doing Research: Assessing the Environment for Social Science Research in Developing Countries" Download