The Global Development Awards Competition 2016 took place in Lima, Peru on the 17-18 March, 2016, on the theme of 'Education for Development: Quality & Inclusion for Changing Global Human Capital Needs.' The competition received over 337 expressions of interest from 59 developing coutries. Six winners were awarded by a high-level jury at GDN's Global Development Conference in Lima, Peru before which finalists also attended a two-day training on Communicating to Wider Audiences prior to their presentation to the jury:
Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Project (MIDP):
- First prize: POWER99 Foundation, represented by Fakhira Najib, for their project “Broad Class – Listen to Learn” – Interactive Radio Instruction Program, Pakistan. Visit the POWER99 Foundation
- Second prize: Indonesia Medika, represented by Gamal Albinsaid, for their project Garbage Clinical Insurance, Indonesia. Visit Indonesia Medika
- Third prize: Mountain Societies Development Support Programme, represented by Talant Aldashov, for their project Vegetable Value Chain Development in Naryn Oblast, Kyrgyzstsan. Explore the Mountain Societies Development Support Programme
POWER99 Foundation was also awarded a US$200,000 grant under the Japan Social Development Fund to pilot their project at a larger scale.
- First prize: Dr. Marcos Agurto (Universidad de Piura, Peru) for his research proposal The effect of social interactions between economically disadvantaged and wealthy students: Experimental evidence from the Peruvian social program Beca18
- Second prize: Ms. Ana Mickovska-Raleva, (CRPM, FYR Macedonia) for her research proposal Teaching ‘Learning to Learn’ competence for the knowledge-based society
- Third prize: Dr. Gloria Carrión Fonseca (FIDEG, Nicaragua) for her research proposal The Political Economy of Public Financing of Education and its Impact on Inequality across Gender Lines in Nicaragua
The jury
In the MIDP category: Dr. Marife Ballesteros, Philippine Institute for Development Studies; Ms. Helena Y. NKole, World Bank; Dr. Mario Picon, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie); Prof. Biman Prasad, James Cook University. The jury was chaired by Mr. Ichiro Tambo, Director, JICA Research Institute.
In the ORD category: Dr. Marge Unt, Tallinn University; Mr. Pasi Sahlberg, Harvard University; Dr. Lorena Alcazar, Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE); Mr. Christopher Nielson, Princeton University. The jury was chaired by Dr. Ariel Fizsbein, Education Program Director, Inter-American Dialogue.
Watch a film about the winners.