The GDN Global Research Project, Supporting Policy Research to Inform Agricultural Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was designed to help shape North-South and South-South debates on agricultural policies. Designed as a policy research project, it aimed to enrich the body of knowledge related to agricultural issues. In doing so, the project drew from existing knowledge, especially cross-country research findings, in a scientifically rigorous manner, yet both timely and easily accessible to policymakers and the informed public. The project explored innovative ways of bridging the research and policy gap.
- Helping shape North-South and South-South debates on agricultural policies.
- Addressing the paucity of genuine developing country perspectives not only on global issues, but even quintessentially local development problems, such as those related to agricultural and rural development.
- Making policymakers and key experts working in the area of agriculture aware of the policy issues across Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
- Enhancing the uptake of research findings by leveraging on the power of traditional media, new media, social media and advertising.
Research Working Papers
Supporting Policy Research to Inform Agricultural Policy in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia·
South Asia | Agricultural Pricing and Public Procurement in South Asia
South Asia | Improving the Effectiveness, Efficiency and Sustainability of Fertilizer Use in South Asia
South Asia | Irrigation and Water Use Efficiency in South Asia
Sub-saharan Africa | Managing Agricultural Commercialization for Inclusive Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
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