GDN is commited to transparency across all aspects of its work. Our finances are made publicly available following yearly audits. GDN's accounts are audited annually according to the fiscal year, which for GDN runs from July 1 to June 30 the following year.
When GDN separated from the World Bank, it became a separate non-profit legal entity, incorporated in the State of Delaware, USA in 2001 (GDN Inc.). Later, after GDN moved its headquartes to India in 2005, it became a recognized public international organization (GDN IO). The accounts of these distinct entities are audited separately, but they work as the components of a single entity in all interactions with GDN's key stakeholders.
View these recent audited financial statements, which also appear as part of our Annual Reports.
FY 2022-23 | GDN Inc and GDN IO
FY 2021-22 | GDN Inc and GDN IO FY 2022 GDN Europe
FY 2020-21 | GDN Inc and GDN IO
FY 2019-20 | GDN Inc and GDN IO
FY 2018-19 | GDN Inc and GDN IO
FY 2017-18 | GDN Inc and GDN IO
FY 2016-17 | GDN Inc and GDN IO
FY 2015-16 | GDN Inc and GDN IO