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Results of the Doing Research Pilot


Selected out of a total of 180 applications, these research teams worked with assigned External Advisors and sector experts on their research projects to assess the social science research environments in their countries.


Doing Research Pilot Phase 

Doing Research Pilot Phase Evaluation Report

Author Benjamin Buclet | Centre for Research and Expertise on Education and Development (CREED)

Download the Doing Research Pilot Phase Evaluation Report or Download Synthesis


Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay

La producción de investigación en ciencias sociales en tres países de ingresos medios y bajos de América del Sur: los casos de Bolivia, Paraguay y Perú

Principal Investigator Maria Balarin, GRADE, Peru, Fernando Masi Center of Analysis and Dissemination of the Paraguayan Economy (CADEP), Paraguay, and Miguel Vera, ARU Foundation, Bolivia.

External Advisor  Hebe Vessuri, Center of Science Studies, Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research, Venezuela

A comparative multi-country study of three South American countries. The study took as its starting point the idea that social research is a socially shaped practice where prevalent cultures, patterns of social interaction, and institutional as well as organizational dynamics have significant effect on research production, circulation and use.

Download the GDN Working Paper (English. Spanish)

Download the research Final Report



Doing Research in Cambodia: Making Models that Build Capacity

Principal Investigator Sovachana Pou, CICP, Cambodia

External Advisor Tim Kelsall, ODI

A study of the research environment in Cambodia within the context of contemporary politics, structural issues in research and channels of research to advocacy, using mentored university students to participate in data collection and diagnostics in order to develop their capacity as agents of change.

Download the research report or its Summary and Recommendations.


Cameroon and Côte d'Ivoire

Doing Research in Social Sciences – Evaluation of the Environment of Research in Social Sciences in Cameroon & Ivory Coast

Principal Investigator Benjamin Fomba Kama and Alban Ahoure, University de Yaoundé II-Soa, Cameroon

External Advisor Michel Carton, Network for international policies and cooperation in education and training, Switzerland

A review of input and output indicators that capture the environment and the practice of research at both institutional and individual levels and to analyze the factors that determine and explain the observed production of research in the social sciences in Cameroon and Côte d'Ivoire.

Download the Cameroon research report in French,

Download the Cote d’Ivoire research report in English or French


India and Bangladesh

Assessing the Environment for Social Science Research in India and Bangladesh

Principal Investigator Saumen Chattopadhyay, JNU, India

External Advisor V. Lynn Meek, LH Martin Institute, University of Melbourne, Australia

An analysis of policy and politics to develop a comprehensive understanding of the research ecosystem in two neighboring countries sharing the same historical legacies, yet at a different stage of evolution of the research system.

Download the India research Report | Annexes

Download the Bangladesh research Report | Annexes



Reforming Research in Indonesia: Policies and Practices

Principal Investigator Inaya Rakhmani, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia

External Advisor V. Lynn Meek, LH Martin Institute, University of Melbourne, Australia

A study of intellectual, organizational and structural constraints in state universities in Indonesia. The research studied the macro-policy environment in research and higher education, institutional policies and practices at meso level and departmental or individual research related practices at the micro level.

Download the Working Paper.



Restauration de la recherche en sciences sociales au Niger

Principal Investigator Abdourahmane Idrissa, Think Tank EPGA, Niger

External Advisor Benjamin Buclet, Director, Center for Research and Expertise on Education and Development (CREED)

A study about the historical path dependencies in the evolution and performance of social science research in Niger, addressing questions of policy reforms to mitigate the negative effects of such historical legacies.

Download the GDN Working Paper or the research report in French


South Africa

Assessing the Environment for Social Science Research in Developing Countries: The Case of South Africa

Principal Investigator Cheryl-Ann Potgieter, University of KwaZulu-Natal

External Advisor Joseph Hoffman, independent consultant

An assessment of social science knowledge generation activity in post-apartheid South Africa. The study aims to map the social science research environment in South Africa in a political economy framework, looking at the allocation of resources and the institutions in this research environment.

Download the long research report or the short research report

To support this work, please contact Francesco Obino, Head of Programs on


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