Fact Sheets, Infographics and animations
- Doing Research Fact Sheet
- Why focus on local research?
- Why should Africa care about doing research?
- What are the barriers to doing research?
- Why get involved in the doing research program?
Studies and publications
- Special Project - Social Science and COVID-19 | The Southeast Asia Response: Download the region-wide assessment report undertaken by the Global Development Network and the Asia Research Centre (ARC UI) at Universitas Indonesia, with support from IDRC and the Knowledge for Democracy Myanmar Initiative. See summary. See the full report.
- Doing Research Assessment Theoretical Framework: Read full working paper or an executive summary.
- Doing Research Assessment Framework and Indicators: Download Table of Indicators
- Doing Research Pilot Phase Synthesis: Download the Evaluation Report or Download Synthesis
- Results of the Doing Research Pilot: Download the reports of the countries from Africa (Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Niger, South Africa), Latin America (Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru) and Asia (Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia)
- Results of the Doing Research Proof of Concept & Scale-Up : Download the DRA Country reports or DRA studies
- “Dataset on the production, dissemination and uptake of social science research in Nigeria” by Abiodun Egbetokun and Adedayo Olofinyehun from the Nigerian team with the dataset of the DRA in Nigeria
- “Transformation of Research in the South. Policies and Outcomes” by Rigas Arvanitis and David O’Brien with a chapter named “Production, circulation, and use of social research in Bolivia, Paraguay, and Peru” based on the results of the Pilot stage of DR
- Special Issue ‘Social Science Research Systems in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)' from the International Social Science Journal being prepared and spearheaded by GDN with guesting editing by Doing Research Advisors Lynn V. Meek, Fred Carden, Hebe Vessuri and Global Development Network's Fellow of Knowledge Systems Daniel Fussy.
- 8 Dec 2020 | Webinar: De la investigación a la política. The national webinar for dissemination of the results of the Doing Research Assessment in Bolivia.
- 1 Dec 2020 | Boosting social science research in Bolivia. An international webinar based on the results of the Doing Research Assessment in Bolivia. Know more.
- 8 Sept 2020 | Doing Research in Nigeria: bridging the research gap and improving development policies. A webinar based on the results of the Doing Research Assessment in Nigeria. Know more.
- 18 Aug 2020 | Webinar, 'Impulsando capacidades de investigación en Venezuela' for presentation and debate of the findings to feed into the report. Know more.
- 14 July 2020 | Bridging the research gap and improving development policies.' A webinar to disseminate the results of the Doing Research Assessment in Indonesia. Know more.
- 27 May 2020 | A webinar titled 'Boosting social science research in Myanmar'. Know more.
- 13 July 2016 | GDN organized the second webinar in its two-part series on its Doing Research program, titled “Funding for Social Science Research: Curse or Blessing?” See more.
- 18 May 2016 | GDN held its first global webinar series in May and July, 2016 focusing on its Doing Research program. Hosted by Research To Action, the two-part webinar series featured researchers from the Doing Research pilot teams, who discussed the importance of studying the research environment in developing countries, and the need for targeted funding to enable high-quality research. See more. Part 1 recording. Part 2 recording.
Workshops, Seminars and Consultations
- 18 Jan 2020 | Second national consultation on the Doing Research Assessment in Myanmar co-hosted by GDN, IDRC and local research partner, the Centre for Economic and Social Development (CESD), an independent and non-political think tank supporting evidence-based policy making.
- 25 October 2019 | Building performing social science research systems in developing countries - A side event at the 19th Global Development Conference in Bonn, Germany, explored common challenges and synergies from institutions working on strengthening social science research systems. Know more.
- 24 Sep 2019 | In cooperation with the Knowledge Sector Initiative, the Indonesian team promoted an event which was held at the Indonesia Young Academy of Sciences (ALMI), National Library, named, 'KSIXChange#13 – Doing Research: Assessing the Social Science Research System in Indonesia.' Know more. Read article.
- 9 Jun 2019 | GDN discussed the report 'Doing Research in Myanmar' at a public event in Yangon as part of the Knowledge for Democracy Myanmar Initiative's 12-day Knowledge Forum. GDN joined the Centre for Economic and Social Development – national focal point – to present preliminary findings from the Doing Research Assessment.
- 27 Mar 2019 | Partners hosted a national consultation to kick-off the first Assessment in Myanmar with a review of the assessment methodology and highlighted the need to pay attention to the quickly changing research landscape in the country, and the increasing role of informal channels of communication, such as Facebook, in disseminating evidence.
- 20-21 December 2018 | The two-day workshop marked the launch of the much awaited 'proof of concept' for the Doing Research Assessment (DRA) Framework that maps the gaps in national social science research systems, allowing policymakers, national actors and donors to see which actions might be taken to reinvigorate them. See more.
- 10 Nov 2018 | Parami Institute, Myanmar, and IDRC's Knowledge for Democracy Myanmar Initiative, as part of their monthly public talks 'Parami-IDRC Lecture Series' showcased GDN's Doing Research Program. Francesco Obino, Head of Programs at GDN covered and discussed GDN's experience of studying social science research systems in Cambodia and Indonesia and its relevance to Myanmar. Know more. Watch video.
- 21 July 2017 | GDN gathered Kenyan research actors in Nairobi for a roundtable on research systems, what are the determinants of their performance, why their study should be a priority and whether current initiatives to do so.
- 26 May 2016 | GDN organized the Synthesis and Scale-Up Workshop at the University of Sussex in Brighton, UK. The workshop drew on the recently concluded synthesis exercise to reflect with all program stakeholders on the possible scale-up towards a global roll-out of the program. See more.
- 6 April 2016 | The Indonesian case study “Reforming Research in Indonesia: policies and practice” was officially launched in Jakarta at a joint event with the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI).
- 29 March 2016 | The Cambodian case study “Doing Research in Cambodia: Making Models that Build Capacity” was officially launched in Phnom Penh in front of an audience of research actors, policy makers and international actors.
- 30 October 2015 | GDN organized a seminar on 'Building a Research Culture in Developing Countries: Reforms, Incentives and Leadership' in New Delhi on 30 October 2015, gathering experts and researchers from the program. See more.
- 24 January 2015 | GDN organized a methodology workshop in Johannesburg to gather the selected research teams from the pilot phase and agree on methodological conventions for the pilot implementation.
- September 2015 | Doing Research was presented by the World Social Science Forum in Durban in Sept 2015, during a session titled, Transforming Global Relations for a Just World. The conference was co-hosted by The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC).
- 3 April 2014 | A Workshop marked the launch of the pilot of a GDN's Doing Research program, supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Swiss Development Cooperation Agency and the French government. See more.
Outreach at conferences
- 30 Aug 2021 | The Global Development Network (GDN) and the Asia Research Centre at Universitas Indonesia (ARC-UI) are working with leading social scientists from 11 countries across South East Asia on COVID-19 responses. The results from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam were presented at the 4th INGSA conference by Dr. Inaya Rakhmani (Panel: Science advice during COVID-19: What factors made the difference?).
- 10 Nov 2020 | On the OTT Conference 2020: the 3rd online event, the DR program had an interactive booth to highlight the outcomes of the implementation of the different DRA and the future plans.
- 24 Jun 2020 | On this session dedicated to the Doing Research program at the OTT Conference 2020: the 2nd online event, the teams debated on how different research systems condition the nature of think tanks and affect their development.
- 25 October 2019 | The Doing Research teams from Bolivia, Indonesia, Myanmar and Nigeria presented at the session “Doing research in developing countries” at the 19th Global Development Conference their key findings and discussed the implications of how production, diffusion and uptake of research in their country likely affect socio-economic development efforts.
- 9 October 2019 | DR took part of the 9:AM Altmetrics Conference 2019 in Sterling under the panel “To Humanities and Beyond” with a presentation titled “Doing Research Assessment - An Innovative Approach to Analyze Social Science Research”. See recording.
- 25 Sep 2019 | Insights from the program were presented at the NextGen Symposium: Innovative Research and Knowledge Partnerships in the Canadian Global Development Sector, Canada.
- 11-12 June 2019 | Our partners at Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo's (GRADE), Peru hosted the international conference 'How to promote research in the social sciences in Peru?' (¿Cómo promover la investigación en ciencias sociales en el Perú?) where GDN presented the implications of the Doing Research program in Peru, drawing on studies in Bolivia, Indonesia, Myanmar and Nigeria, and the eleven-country pilot. Know more.
- 23 March 2018 | GDN organized a session titled “Ethical Perspectives on Research Systems” in New Delhi, India, at its 18th Annual Global Development Conference.
- 28 September 2017 | The Doing Research was presented at the 4th Altmetrics Conference in Toronto, Canada, in front of an audience of publishers, institutions, funders and researchers. See video.
- 18 March 2016 | GDN organized a session (Doing Research: Assessing the Environment for Social Science Research in Developing Countries) to share the pilot phase findings at its 17th Annual Global Development Conference in Lima, Peru.
- 21-22 January 2016 | The Latin American case study on “The Dynamics of Social Research Production, Circulation and use in Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru: A Comparative Study” was presented at the OECD International Conference on “The Transformation of Research in the South: policies and outcomes” in Paris, France. See more.
- 9 Mar 2022 [Blog] | Call in the Social Science Cavalry by GDN’s Francesco Obino and IDRC’s Edgard Rodriguez | Asia Pathways (the blog of the Asian Development Bank Institute)
- 6 Jan 2022 [Article] | The production of social science research in Nigeria: status and systemic determinants by Egbetokun, A., Olofinyehun, A., Sanni, M. et al. | Nature
- 2016 [Research blog] - Read the blog series on the Doing Research program on the Research to Action - R2A’s GDN Doing Research Dialogue Space
- 27 Jul 2020 [Article] | Doing Research in Myanmar: Bridging the Research Gap to Improve Development Policies | Tea Circle Oxford
- 24 Jun 2020 [Podcast] | Doing Research in Myanmar Podcast | Asia Research News
- June 2020 [Interview] | Indonesia | Advocating for Scientific Temper with Inaya Rakhmani | GDN
- 17 Jan 2020 [Article] | Finding levers of change by Francesco Obino | Asia Research News
- 7 Nov 2019 [Article] | Indonesian policymaking is not supported by quality research and academic freedom by Inaya Rakhmani & Zulfa Sakhiyya| The Conversation
- 18 Oct 2019 [Article] | Indonesia’s Social Science Research Performance Remains Inadequate | Knowledge Sector Initiative
- 27 Dec 2018 [Article] | Discussion on Social Research Challenges | Myanmar Insider
- 10 Nov 2018 [Video] | "Challenges for Social Research in Myanmar, Lessons from Asia" by Francesco Obino | Parami University
- 6 Sept 2018 [Press release] | New Research in Social Science Research Systems in Developing Countries
- 22 Jun 2016 [Article] | Why study the research environment: a webinar summary | Research to Action
- 14 Nov 2016 [Article] | Assessing research systems in developing countries – 5 reasons why it matters and a teaser on how to get started, by Ramona Angelescu Naqvi | Research to Action
- 26 Aug 2016 {Video Interview] | Doing Research: an expert voice from Peru: Interview with Maria Balarin | GDN Youtube channel
- 23 Apr 2016 [Video Interview] | Doing Research, An Expert Voice from Niger: Interview with Abdourahmane Idrissa
- 5 May 2016 [Article] | Social research in Indonesia: why and what next, by Inaya Rakhmani | Research to Action
- 26 Apr 2016 [Article] | Doing research in Bolivia Paraguay and Perú, by Maria Balarin | Research to Action
- 13 Apr 2016 [Article] | Social science research and the demand factor in a low-income country – the case of Niger, by Abdourahmane Idrissai | Research to Action
- 14 Mar 2016 [Article] | Doing Research in Cambodia: making models that build capacity, by Pou Sovachana | Research to Action
- 7 Mar 2016 [Article] | Why study the research environment? by Clément Gévaudan | Research to Action
- 4 Feb 2016 [Article] | Insularity leaves Indonesia trailing behind in the world of social research by Inaya Rakhami | The Conversation
- 18 Dec 2015 [Article] | Cambodian research lagging by Shaun Turton | The Phnom Penh Post
To support this work, please contact Francesco Obino, Head of Programs on fobino@gdn.int
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