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Name of the Asset | Evaluation of the Impact of the Mother and Infant Health Project in Ukraine
Type of Asset | Working Paper
Date | September 2009
Infant mortality/morbidity has often been a focus of health economics and medical research as a major indicator of a country’s well-being, while maternal health outcomes have been much less investigated. This study investigates the mechanisms through which reductions in infant and maternal mortality and morbidity take place in Ukraine, by estimating the impact of the Mother and Infant Health Project (MIHP) on prenatal care use, intermediate health outcomes, and mortality components.
Using the ‘differences-in-difference’ methodology, the study found that the rayons (administrative units) participating in the MIHP exhibited greater improvements in maternal and infant health. Among the infant health characteristics, the MIHP impact is most pronounced for stillbirths, and infant mortality and morbidity resulted from deviations in the perinatal period and congenital anomalies. As for the maternal health, the MIHP is the most effective at combating anemia, maladies of blood circulation, veins, and urinary-genital complications, as well as late toxicosis. The analysis suggests that the effects are due to early attendance of antenatal clinics, lower share of C-sections, and greater share of normal deliveries.
- Olena Y. Nizalova, Kyiv Economics Institute and Kyiv School of Economics
- Maria Vyshnya, Kyiv Economics Institute and National University “Kyiv Mohyla Academy”
Country and/or Region | Ukraine
Name of the Program | GDN’s Global Research Project ‘Promoting Innovative Programs from the Developing World: Towards Realizing the Health MDGs in Africa and Asia'
Funder(s) | The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, United States
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